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20 Sep 2018

11 Tishri 5779

Category : Community   Country : United Kingdom   Region : United Kingdom

Our Tishrei Timeline:
Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Succos…
Don’t forget the kapporas!
Right its expensive times? Arba minim, schach,
meat & wine, clothing…
Can we make a difference for 135 families of the “Har Nof Kollel”?
If we gave them meat, wine, supermarket vouchers We would also share the zechus of their
Torah learning!
Our kapporas money
can sponsor a family
It’s £270.00
For us, it’s a lot of money
For them, it’s “will they taste meat on Yomtov or not…”
And when you join us, don’t forget
to send you & your mother’s name.
You should be sealed in the Sefer Hachaim
A Gebentched Yahr
The “Har Nof Kollel”
3 easy ways to send your kapporos money:
1) Achisomoch & choose “Har Nof Kollel”
2) Phone 03300-432-613
3) Email [email protected]
The Har Nof Kollel Has the personal backing